The Reading Heroes Who Changed Your Life

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Think back. Before your first heartbreak. Before your first job. They were there: the special teachers, family members, or mentors who opened the world of reading to you.

I call mine the “Fantastic Four” – those Pre-K to 2nd grade teachers who changed my life forever: Mrs. Wagie, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Burrows, and Mrs. Montgomery.

Who helped you learn to read?

Whether you had one special teacher or many, whether your journey to reading was straightforward or filled with challenges, someone helped build the foundation for the skill you’re using right now.

While you were practicing letters and sounding out words, they were patiently building the neural pathways that would shape your future. For some, reading came easily. For others, it required extra support, different approaches, or learning strategies to overcome dyslexia or other challenges.

By 3rd grade, education shifts dramatically from learning to read to reading to learn. This is why supporting all children in those early years is so crucial.

Behind every reader is someone who made it happen – classroom teachers, reading specialists, family members, tutors, or librarians. These reading heroes deserve our recognition and support.

So who taught you to read? Share their names. Tag them if you can. Let’s start a chain reaction of gratitude for those who gave us the gift of literacy, no matter what our journey looked like.

Because we should remember those who helped us unlock the power of words. They changed our lives forever.

#ThankYouTeachers #ReadingHeroes
