Attendance: Unlocking Your Learning Potential Through Presence

Regular attendance is fundamental to academic success. When students miss school, they miss critical instruction that’s difficult to make up. Currently, Madison faces troubling attendance challenges, with chronic absenteeism rates reaching 25-30% in some schools. As your School Board member, I’ll prioritize addressing this critical issue.

Understanding the Challenge

Attendance issues stem from multiple factors:

  1. Reading Connection: Students who struggle with reading are significantly more likely to avoid school, creating a negative cycle as they fall further behind.
  2. Basic Needs: Hunger, lack of transportation, and inadequate clothing or supplies create practical barriers to attendance.
  3. Belonging: When students don’t feel connected to a trusted adult or don’t experience academic success, their motivation to attend decreases.
  4. Systemic Response: Current approaches often address absences after patterns are established rather than intervening immediately.

My Approach

As your School Board member, I will:

  1. Implement Same-Day Contact: Support immediate response to absences with same-day family contact before patterns develop.
  2. Address Basic Needs: Advocate for universal breakfast programs, transportation support, and community partnerships to remove practical barriers.
  3. Focus on Reading Proficiency: Implement evidence-based reading instruction so all students experience academic success that motivates attendance.
  4. Build Belonging: Support advisory programs that connect every student with a trusted adult who notices when they’re absent.
  5. Use Early Warning Systems: Implement data systems that identify attendance concerns before they become chronic patterns.

Creating Schools Worth Attending

Students attend regularly when they experience success, feel they belong, and have their basic needs met. By addressing these fundamental factors—particularly ensuring reading success—we create schools where students want to be present. Every day in school matters, and every student deserves an education worth showing up for.
