Advanced Learning: Challenging Every Student

All students deserve instruction that meets them where they are and challenges them appropriately. Too many Madison families are considering private options because their children’s advanced learning needs aren’t being met. I’m committed to ensuring every student has access to appropriately challenging curriculum.

Understanding the Issue

Madison’s approach to advanced learning faces several challenges:

  1. Inconsistent Implementation: Advanced learning opportunities vary widely between schools, creating inequitable access.
  2. Participation Gaps: Students of color are significantly underrepresented in advanced programs despite having equal potential.
  3. False Dichotomy: The debate between standalone and earned honors misses the more fundamental issue – all students deserve appropriate challenge.

My Approach

As your School Board member, I will:

  1. Support Multiple Pathways: Advocate for both standalone honors and earned honors options to maximize opportunities for all students.
  2. Strengthen Identification: Implement universal screening and multiple measures to identify advanced learners from all backgrounds, particularly those from historically underrepresented groups.
  3. Build Foundation First: Ensure all students have the fundamental literacy skills needed to access advanced content. Without strong reading skills, even brilliant students can’t access challenging material.
  4. Expand Acceleration Options: Support grade-level acceleration, subject acceleration, and personalized learning plans for students who demonstrate readiness.
  5. Use Data to Drive Decisions: Regularly evaluate which approaches best serve our diverse student population and make adjustments based on outcomes.

Equity Through Excellence

True equity means meeting each student’s needs – including those ready for greater challenge. When we combine strong foundational literacy with multiple pathways to advanced learning, we create a system where every student can reach their full potential. We can simultaneously close achievement gaps and challenge our highest achievers.
