Excellence Through Equity: Building Schools Where Everyone Belongs

January 8, 2025
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Every student deserves a school where they truly belong. That’s the core message I shared in our first virtual town hall focused on building stronger communities in Madison schools. As a candidate for MMSD School Board Seat 3, I want to share my vision for how we create schools where everyone belongs and thrives.

Who I Am and Why I’m Running

My journey to this candidacy brings together different perspectives that I believe our school board needs. I’m an engineer by training, a former high school science teacher, and most importantly, a dad to two MMSD students. Currently, I serve as the Cherokee Heights Middle School PFO president, where we’ve seen firsthand how building strong school communities transforms outcomes.

About Me

This unique combination of engineering experience working with health systems, leading large complex projects, and classroom teaching gives me a perspective that bridges the data-driven and human sides of education. It’s why I’m running – because I believe our schools work best when:

  • Every student has the support they need
  • We let teachers do what they do best
  • We use real data to make smart choices

The Power of Belonging: A Personal Story

I understand the transformative power of belonging because I lived it.

In middle school, I was a science nerd – not exactly a ticket to popularity. But in high school, I had a teacher named Mr. Rumppe who transformed his chemistry classroom into “ChemRog Incorporated,” a simulated research company where students became scientists. In his classroom, curiosity wasn’t just accepted – it was expected, alongside high performance.

Mr. Rumppe didn’t just teach chemistry; he showed how every student belonged and could succeed. His influence led me to become a chemical engineer at the University of Wisconsin, work in the energy industry, teach high school physics and chemistry, and now lead complex digital and financial transformation work for health systems.

Success in Action: Cherokee Heights

At Cherokee Heights Middle School, we’re seeing the power of belonging in action:

  • Attendance is now above 90% across all grades
  • Behavior incidents have dropped dramatically – from hundreds of referrals and fights annually to less than 30 suspensions and less than 20 physical altercations this year

This isn’t magic. It’s the result of intentional work creating a culture where everyone feels they belong, led by school leaders implementing restorative practices and focusing on reflection rather than punishment.

Building Belonging: The Five to Thrive Framework

MMSD’s Five to Thrive framework provides a foundation for building belonging:

  1. Learning: Teaching students coping strategies and time management skills
  2. Caring: Supporting everyone with no problem too small or crisis too big
  3. Belonging: Creating safe, supported, and accepted spaces
  4. Connecting: Promoting mental health through community partnerships
  5. Thriving: Supporting students as they learn to cope with challenges

Real Solutions for Real Challenges

As a board member, I’ll focus on concrete actions:

  • Implementing a universal no-cost breakfast program
  • Expanding mental health support for students, families, and staff
  • Reducing administrative burden on teachers
  • Establishing clear accountability metrics

We know these aren’t just ideas – they’re proven strategies with clear implementation paths. At Cherokee Heights, we’ve seen how this comprehensive approach creates positive change, and it’s time to scale these successes district-wide.

Moving Forward Together

Strong schools are built on belonging. Whether you’re a student struggling to find your place, a teacher working to reach every child, or a parent trying to support your student’s journey – you belong here in Madison schools.

I invite you to join our future town halls every Tuesday at 7:00 PM as we discuss supporting every student and explore what truly creates belonging through consistent adult connections, inclusive school climate, and early support systems.

Want to get involved? Visit bretwagner.com to:

  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Volunteer for our campaign
  • Host a coffee chat with your neighbors
  • Follow us on social media

Because when it comes to our children’s education, every voice matters in this conversation about our schools’ future.

Bret Wagner is a candidate for MMSD School Board Seat 3, focusing on excellence through equity, trusting teachers as professionals, and making data-driven decisions.
